A term used when regarding to both primary and secondary firearms.
Hammer being the Primary & Hatchet being the Secondary (or sidearm), or vice versa.

(Created by Interferon Alpha 2a)
My Hammer & Hatchet is that of an AR 15 & Glock 17.
by InterferonAlpha2a May 24, 2019
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The act of closing your eyes whilst opening your mouth as wide as possible. Commonly used in a game format where one person will go hammered bacon while waiting for the other player to say “I see you”
The current hammered bacon record is held by Kyle from NJ. The victim of Kyle’s bacon hammering was Brendan from NJ.
Bro Casey went hammered bacon for 3 minutes before anyone realized.
by The Hammered Bacon Commission January 21, 2020
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A plastic hammer is also a very good fire extinguisher TRUST ME set fire to everything in your home leave it to burn for 1 minute then for some reason your plastic hammer will turn into a fire extinguisher preventing your house from burning down I GUARANTEE SUCCESS!!!!...............................
A plastic hammer is also a very good fire extinguisher TRUST ME set fire to everything in your home leave it to burn for 1 minute then for some reason your plastic hammer will turn into a fire extinguisher preventing your house from burning down I GUARANTEE SUCCESS!!!!................................
by anonymous August 5, 2004
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When a femme-dom has her cuck tied up on the floor, she has her other partner stand over him, and she slaps the cuck with his dick, in a hammer type motion.
My mistress gave me the wood hammer last night, and I weirdly loved it.
by Sickfuckers July 10, 2022
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when a white man and a African women have sexual relations he is bestowed a black {polished hammer }
when obligated a man does what he must to survive racial retaliations polished hammer
by legionaire4443 January 29, 2019
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Where two men (without erections) rub their dicks together until they get erections then one lays down face up and the other lays on top of him they suck each other's dicks until one of them cums the loser must lie down on the floor while the winner inserts his penis into the losers asshole and proceeds to fuck him until completion.
Aw man Trevor you shoulda seen joe got so drunk last night I won at the double hammer battle easily
by Abnormalcupcake March 7, 2017
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When a girl is working with maximum effort on a dudes dick (his hammer) Hard As A Motherfucker(H-a-m) in order for him to bust or ejaculate.
Male friend was talking to his other male friend...... " Yo dude, i pulled this chick named Madison last night back to my spot off the internet and let me tell you man... shorty was going Ham on the hammer kid! "
by Bladez da pro-do's-her July 30, 2021
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