Placing a phone call that evacuates a friend from an uncomfortable or inconvenient situation, effectively offering an excuse to leave.
When I was stuck watching Disney’s Mulan with my youth group, I texted my friend Trachelle and had her call in a bomb threat for me. I’m pretty sure everyone knew my phone call wasn’t really important, but my disdain for Disney movies outweighed any social guilt.
by stice55 November 10, 2010
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Three exams in one day. This seldomly appears due to lack of school time remaining to finish everything for the semester. Effects of this event could lead students into bad hygene rage insanity insomnia or braindead/damage (zombiefied) Some have lived through this horror and have adapated to this kind of experience.
A: Dude! John just got a triple threat!
B: How can you tell?
C: He looks like a zombie!
by UselessNerd March 11, 2009
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Once upon a time there

Ant that loved to
Yet he also loved to

Lure people into his lair and kill them and
Eat their annoying
Noses off
All the time
Person 1: "Yo, have you heard of this new group called 'Triple Threat'"
Person 2: "You bet! They are even cooler than those guys on GTA"
Person 1: "Who? Michael, Franklin, and Trevor?"
Person 2: "Yeah! These guys know how to knife people in the belly button's with pickles"
Person 1: "Dang. That is pretty hardcore. I better stay away from 'Triple Threat'"
by GTAlover2k14 March 20, 2014
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May refer to the episode of the tv show The Office of the same name or the song by the band Neck Deep. In the case of The Office, it refers to a movie one of the main characters writes. In the Neck Deep song it is believed to reference that episode of The Office but is also belived to describe and urgent situation, in the song's case one involving a relationship or love.
"It was Threat Level Midnight once he found out about her."
by SloppyToppy May 25, 2016
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Toki (meaning bunny rabbit in the Korean language) Triple Threat is a sexual maneuver which includes your girlfriend mounting your penis while having sex. She then bends her arms 90 degrees with her elbows at her side like a bunny rabbit and hops up and down your penis during intercourse. The male then excretes his semen onto the girlfriend's lower back, creating an adhesive surface, while the girlfriend rips out a small bush of the male's pubic hair to make a bushy rabbit-like tail she can then stick to her lower back.
Do not shave your pubic hair until you try the Toki Triple Threat! You won't regret it.
by Toki Tamer August 12, 2010
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The Egyptians supported homosexuality, but they also supported necrophilia and incest. All three at once is the Egyptian Triple Threat.
Man me and my brother did the Egyptian Triple Threat last night, he was speechless!
by House of crazy’s March 9, 2020
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