A ruin king is like a high king. But with sarcasm and stuff. You can say ruin king to make fun of someone's skills. Forexample "Amy is such a ruin king!" Look at her art! "Wow Amy your such a ruin king!"
by Ruin king September 18, 2020
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Ruin porn is the leftovers after a nice porn.
"How can u ruin porn? ". "Watch it with ur mouth closed! "
by Porn ruiner April 5, 2018
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Guy 1: want to play cookie run ovenbreak
Guy 2: nah im playing coke ruin oftenblade
by JaxsandyDictionary2 November 15, 2021
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to ruin you instead of anyone else.
person 1: “i want to ruin you”
person 2: “ruin yourself “
by your fault July 31, 2020
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A gender neutral Term for a Mary Sue or Gary Stu.

This describes a Character in Movies, Fiction or Games, which shows the Creators ideal mostly of himself.
Characters like this are mostly overpowered, like a Gamecheat or havn't any real Problems to solve. They are imidiatly accepted and loved by everyone and gain everything with nearly no effort an/or no reason.
This is a ruined Johnson!

This Character is a runined Johnson
by Noway_Neophobic May 8, 2019
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1.Verb, to tell someone what is going to happen in a movie, or on the next episode of a show.

2.Verb, to accidentially see a preview for the next episode of a TV show.
"yo i heard charlie is supposed to die in the next episode" said josh.
"awwww, why must you movie ruin?" cried danny

by Sir2490 May 21, 2007
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