An insult used on geeks, many of which play dungeons and dragons in their parents basements night after night. The ultimate insult to bring out rage in gaming geeks.
Yeah, thats great that you've got a 87th level monk, you greasy bag of ogre semen. Now let's see if ya can really fight.
by DARKJESTER December 29, 2005
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when you want to not only say 'okay', but also 'agree' to something said by another person.
Taiquaisha: Damn, I totally want a PB&J sandwich.
Ben: I ogree.
by Jeff The Tuff Bear November 21, 2010
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When you get so incredibly shit-faced that you begin to resemble an ogre and start smashing things for no reason
“Jesus Christ, Melissa got so ogred last night. She broke into the booze and drank everything, then she punched a hole through three layers of the house’s foundation.”
by MaxIsVeryFunny March 1, 2021
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When a male coats his flaccid dick with a mixture of onions, enchiladas, and raw egg yolk, then proceeds to stick it into any hole whilst yelling “THE OGRELORD HAS ARRIVED!”
“God damn Jenn is such a freak, she let me do the ogre ooze surprise on her last night!”
by Qeefburger October 23, 2017
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A sarcastic idiom that is used to mock a person or people that think they understand a certain concept.
Person A: Oh I see! So quantum physics is basically advanced physics!
Person B: Ah yes, Ogres Are Onions... It's not.. You.. You can't simplify it that much my dude...
by MAJE_4 November 14, 2021
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To be really nice to nice to your sugar daddy or boyfriend who takes care of you in order to keep him satisfied enough to do whatever you want
Hey bestie I gotta go milk the ogre so we can continue to drive his car and live in his nice condo
by Ogremilker69 December 27, 2018
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When a woman (usually young and attractive) is nice and sweet to her boyfriend or sugar daddy in order for him to continue doing what she wants.
Hey bestie, I gotta go milk the ogre so we can keep driving his car and living in his nice condo
by Ogremilker69 December 27, 2018
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