A male who's favorite quality about himself is his muscular definition. He likes to think all on-lookers are impressed (and envious) of his muscles, but really all non-Muscle-Douches laugh at the Muscle-Douche's self-opinion. A Muscle-Douche tends to: work out frequently with the sole purpose of enhancing his appearance, talk about working out, always flex a little when body is exposed, and lower his voice a tad bit until it becomes a natural habit. Researchers say 70% of Muscle-Douches are insecure about the size of their penis
Leonard: "Why does Chad always flex in the showers?"

Stevie: "I don't know dude... Chad's such a Muscle-Douche"
by youngdubbyrox May 15, 2011
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A muscle car is a mid-sized, generally American car from the early 1950s mid 1970s. Muscle cars are generally blessed with V8s, high horsepower, alot of tourqe and a great power-to-weight ratio. Some of the most popular models are the Corvette, Mustang, El Camino, Thunderbird, Firebird and Chevelle. The original muscle cars were genrally lower priced but when they returned in the 1980s and 90s, they were more expensive and sometimes less powerful. Anyway, most muscle cars do not need modification to reach high preformance but if they are modified, they will kick ass. The astetics of the car is ussually left stock, but if it is changed, it will be througgh decals and paint only, almost never a body-kit.
Muscle Car vs. Ricer
Joe: I got a pimped out tricked out Civic can go real fast, I bet i could beat you.
Doug: Hell no, my 35 year old Charger will chew you up, it's got a Hemi.
Joe: well mine looks pimp
Doug: I didn't know pink bumpers with a Boeing 747's wing on the back.
by northendwhitetrash May 20, 2007
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1) a female body-builder
2) a very muscular female
3) a female with very muscular thighs and, in most cases, a strangely muscular pudenda
"That frickin' muscle pud cracked his head like a coconut down there."
by MeanMachine May 3, 2007
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n. breasts characterized by their firm and taut appearance and feel. Usually on the smaller side, nice to grab, however, not very bouncy.
Dude...she was hot! I liked her tight little body and I even liked her cute little muscle tits!
by Barry Flomar January 22, 2004
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A soft, moist, dark space for your pleasure.
Bullock is jealous that of all the guys who get to use muscle tunnels. He must live vicariously through everyone else. He does not have a muscle to tunnel into.
by Matthew B. December 6, 2021
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When your dominant arm is more buff than your non dominant due to the effect of oftenly masturbating.
Man: "I swear, my left arm is strong, but it doesn't look like it compared to my right."
Man 2: "How often do you beat the meat? Sounds like a case of Muscle Jerkitis."
by Sid Phillips June 25, 2017
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The muscle of a person who has gone to the gym for a while, has lots of gains , but can't use it for a fight or lifting outside of the gym.
Guy #1: Man that dudes huge, he could kick my ass!
Guy #2 Nah bro, thats just gym muscle
by Girth Vader December 8, 2016
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