When you're the fourth guy in the friendship group to get with the same girl at a party but you can't get hard because you drank too much.
Greg: Hey you were so drunk last night, did you seal the deal
Mason: No mate I did an Edgy Alcoholic
by Cinnamon Johns March 11, 2020
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The term for someone who is too edgy for school
You may be edgy, but not as edgy as Edgy Austin.
by Firefaul December 6, 2017
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Edgy™ is different than just being edgy. Being edgy is trying to be cool by staying ahead of things in the media. Edgy™ is trying too hard to be cool and often bragging about how ahead of the media they are.
Person A: "I listened to them way before they were popular."
Person B: "You are so edgy™."
by Luciel the weirdo January 6, 2018
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Means words what are not friendly to say to people and colleagues
Hey Justin! Stop using them edgy words in my classroom
by Justin.J December 13, 2018
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A call used to announce the presecence of an authorty figure when in the commision of an act which may be sureptious or illegal. Glasgow street slang.
Your friend is climbing in a window when a policeman is spotted. You call "edgy babaloa" to alert him.
by Paul Mclaughlin June 8, 2007
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Definition 1: See post by JohnWikck

Definition 2: A derogatory term for anything from memes & old Youtube Poops to vintage stand-up comedy, & classic British sitcoms, used by both "woke" youth & out-of-touch seniors who still laugh at fart jokes & think Minions was a good movie. Basically, any intentionally offensive & mean spirited humor they can't understand or take too seriously, as well as reference-based humor they are out of the loop on.
Every day both the Old Media has a new hot take on "edgy humor" while the SJWs have a new petition trying to ban it.
by ThatEvilRedhead April 5, 2019
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Edgy Emo is someone who is anti-social and doesn't want to do anything but is loved by all and some of them have beautiful girlfriends
Michael is an Edgy Emo. He doesn't leave his house and he has a very beautiful girlfriend who is an Edgy Thot
by _Michael_ November 7, 2018
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