Occurs when two lesbians engage in oral sex followed by abrupt departure of one participant.
"I thought I heard San Franciscan wedding bells, turns out it was just another dine 'n' dash.
by Kyle Beastimashai May 10, 2012
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A person who keeps telling you how much they want something, but when push comes to shove they complain about it, just so they don't have to put their money where their mouth is.
"You seem to know about all the shit the job is gonna throw at you, but you haven't even stepped foot in the place. Stop whining before dining, you no good whinger!"

"You said you wanted to be adventurous and now you don't want to get your nails dirty!? No whining before dining and move your 'adventurous' ass!"
by NateTheDawg March 30, 2021
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Eating at a restaurant that is somewhere between a fast food restaurant and a casual restaurant. The food is made quickly, but the menu is healthier and the food is of a higher quality than in a fast food restaurant.
i'm in the mood for fast casual dining tonight, cuz we don't have much time but I don't want anything greasy.
by cherryblossom June 21, 2011
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Someone who is unable to think for him- or herself and attempts to liken President Obama with Hitler.
Dude, I'd explain why the sky is blue, but you're so stupid you're a dining room table.


Barney Frank to Idiot: "Having a conversation with you would be like having a conversation with my dining room table."
by Lexapros and Lexicons August 19, 2009
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going to a friend's house or to a restaurant, not paying or otherwise being grateful to the host, and then immediately leaving with a full stomach, only giving back a quick "thanks".
host: "aww, this food was quite exquisite, dont you think?"

ditcher: "Woah! look at the time! i gotta go, thanks!" *runs out*

host mumbles: "dam dine n ditch"
by I might be July 20, 2006
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eating out and leaving without having paid the bill

see dine and dash
1: Dude, you won't believe it: Yesterday, we were like at this bad-ass restaurant, and just the moment that mong of a waiter turned the back, we ran like hell. The next morning they called and said we're supposed to bay the bill. My fucking girlfriend left her wallet, that piece of shit.

2: Well, even dine and run can go wrong sometimes!
by woop.woop December 4, 2007
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An Italian dining jacket is a term used for the overused nasty term "the wife beater". The Italian dining jacket is a thin white tank top, with a t-strap back and usually comes in a cotton small ribbed fabric.
This style usually worn by loud, fat, greasy Italian/ Portuguese/Spanish men who inhabit their front porches and wear mandles,this tank has recently been made popular by trendy hipster store American Apparel.
Also very stylish with wanna be gansters who listen to really bad hip hop from the Southern USA and steriod taking meatheads that inhabit the gym and try to pick up chicks.

Look at that fat sweaty man in the restaurant wearing the Italian dining jacket.
by Shawesome March 31, 2009
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