The congestion that's in your throat and nose when you wake up in the morning.
I'll sound more like myself after I get rid of this night crud.
by Echo27 September 27, 2010
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Crud diddly is a more PG way of saying the curse word "shit."
Cop: You're under arrest!
Me: What! I haven't done crud diddly!
by uhh94 November 14, 2019
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An inside joke meaning a "nitty" that is on crack dancing. A joke you call your friends
Imagine playing on 1080x1080 you crud bopper
That nitty is a crud bopper
by moutain_dew420 October 27, 2020
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Someone whose personal hygiene is more than questionable, and who wears the same underpants till they literally disintegrate.
'' Shall we nip round to Mick's for a brew ? ''.............' ' Are you shitting me ? , I wouldn't touch anything that guy owns. The guy's a crud-hustler, He's been crud - hustling, (adj) so long, if you get downwind from him he smells like a turkey farm ! ''
by Scoobydooby6890@g September 16, 2016
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A sickness: maybe contagious, probably not. Like the name, it makes you feel like crud. Typically comes around when the seasons change and makes you cruddy
“You wanna go to the lake, Jepp?” “Nah man I’m at home I got the crud” “Well dead gum that’s cruddy” “Yeah, I know”
by Wordsyouneverheard September 5, 2022
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a phrase to express anger and/or disappointment that is so great that it is beyond words
someone: it’s 2020
me: crud on a stick
by November 30, 2020
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