When you cum on a Papadam and then your partner eats it.
No need to get a takeaway in tonight treacle, I’ll prepare and deliver a juicy chutney Mary to tickle your taste buds!
by Chutney! December 2, 2022
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Ben Neubert. Chutney is a common nickname to refer to Ben, a nickname which he inherited due to his cranberry chutney crafting abilities
by Bobby_benny October 5, 2021
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(-/Cha-hut-neee Chu-an-el-/) a noun, describing one’s anal cavity.
Guy1-“Bro, Nick is walking a little funny today”

Guy2-“Dude, when Nick was on leave in pattaya beach, Tom took a Ladyboy out last night, and ended up getting his Chutney Channel reamed.”
by Fatbeard Actual November 27, 2018
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When you attempt to Dutch oven your partner but follow through.
Rich tried to Dutch oven Hannah but sharted and he said “Welcome to the Chutney Manor”
by Hitch20202 August 23, 2020
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Salty indian sauce that you can dip your dossa or toes inside
by Figusmethat April 12, 2023
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The only samosa ki chutney in the world. Don't come close or else you would be wet as hell like last night again. If you dare to touch her samosa she will make you chutney chutney bitches
Hey, look at my pleasing husky samose ki chutney walking out there!

She is the most promising samose ki chutney you will ever taste.
by notyoursamosekichutney November 23, 2021
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