When one person (said person can be single/taken/etc) hangs out with multiple couples at once, and can no longer be referred to as a “Third Wheel.” A “Third Wheel” usually applies to one person and ONE couple.
Person 1: “Yea man, I was at the movies with Shaun, Nick, and their girlfriends, it was pretty fun!”
Person 2: “You had fun? You weren’t even a “Third Wheel,” you hung out with two couples, that makes you a “Spare Tire.”

Person 3: “Hey!…Don’t worry man, you’ll find someone soon enough!”
by LookHoneyAnAbomination June 7, 2022
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the friend that you bring with you to a hangout as a "third wheel" when you're unsure if the hangout is platonic or romantic in nature.
"This guy asked me to hangout but I don't know if he meant it as a date. I need you to be my spare tire so it's clear we're just friends." "Can you be my spare tire?"
by tunasub_backwards February 7, 2022
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This is the person in your life who you are just friends with, but they are not in the friend zone. You spend a lot of time together. You wouldn’t even say you’re in the talking stage, a platonic friendship but you are pretty sure both of you could maybe see it being more, but neither person is willing to cross the line to make it more than just a friendship. But you always know in the back of your head that they are an option. Like a spare tire… you know they are there but aren’t gonna use it if you don’t need to
Person 1 “hey are you an Andy a thing?”

Person 2 “no not really, he’s just my spare right now, but maybe that will change”
by Papafritarach August 18, 2021
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The perineum - the bit of flesh between a scrotum and arsehole that can't be seen by it's owner unless a camera phone is employed, or a mirror placed on the floor.
By wiping a clean finger on the spare gound and then sniffing it or placing it under his partner's nose, a man thus enables himself to check the current hygeine status of his genital area.
Timothy - "Here Brenda, have a sniff at my finger".
Brenda - "(Sniffs) What the fuck Timothy! Your finger smells like shite! What the fuck have you been doing?"
Timothy - "Nowt. I've just ran it up my spare ground to see if I could get away without going for a shower before I get Knighted at Buckingham Palace today".
by boyboyce September 4, 2009
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The middle or youngest male of every family, Always overlooked by the family due to their attention being put to the "Air to the family name"
James Bradley is the spare of the family, Johnny's the air
by Ya.Boi November 4, 2017
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Similar to a Surrogate, this is the female that was not intially good enough to have a mans child, but because she is so expendable, she is now used as a spare part to conceive a child.
The chick i wanted to be my baby mama aint havin it, some im bout to hit up Tonya, she gon be my spare-agate baby mama...
by TJ Goats December 24, 2011
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Sparing Chin or asking to Spare Some Chin is the act of two Bros touching chin to chin as a way to form a stronger bro bond. If the act is done correctly it should resemble a kiss. But No Homo.
by LonelyCatLover55 September 1, 2019
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