When someone already wearing 2 types of glasses to help their bad eyes pulls out a magnifying glass to look at something. Like the character Juni in Spykids
Man my uncle was r looking at his computer so he put on his computer glasses over his regular glasses so he could read the words already at 200% on 4K 27” monitor. That was some Spykids dot gif kinda shit I swear
by December 22, 2022
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a screaming picture that curses you if you see it and get banned off facebook or twitter.
I sent my friend the .gif it scremed and his ears bled.
by the annoying orange February 1, 2016
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When you search a gif on giphy as a reaction, but you pick the first/unfunniest gif.
This is usually persormed by a certain person named Jibbe.
"Stop sending jibbe gifs, they're so unfunny."
by spicy_06 December 13, 2021
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When you find a combination of letters so crazy for the king of keyboards:qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, that giphy had enough.
Hey, wasszx!

That's it, no more gif for you,

Did that screen just t-

no GIF's for your search ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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A moving image, probably doing cardio.
Hey look at this **GIF**.
by Mama's cookies April 29, 2021
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A hopelessly outdated image format that is nowadays mostly used for animated pictures. Has ridiculous limitations such as a maximum of 256 colors and inefficient compression but keeps being used because none of the superior alternative formats ever caught on. Also, nobody seems to be able to agree on the pronounciation, for some reason.
Person: Woah, nice GIF you got there. Sucks you can see so much banding from those pesky color limitations.
GIPHY: So, are you gonna use a GIF in your definition or not?
Person: Nah, wouldn't be caught dead using one of those things. It's not like GIPHY even really uses GIFs. They're all just looped MP4s.
by poudink December 17, 2020
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