Tripp middle school is a school located in Turner, Maine. and also is another name for the so called place, "Hell-On-Earth". Where students get suspended for hugging, except when it's the lesbians. No one cares about them. And most teachers are pedo's, *cough cough, guy (gender specific) Math and science teachers* So have fun wasting your life away with your 2 year prison sentence at Tripp Middle.
girl- "TMS gives me depression"
guy- "same here"
girl- "wanna get high in the bathroom?"
guy- "hell yah"
by October 8, 2019
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Too mad; didn't listen. When you get so upset that you stop listening to what someone is saying.
My boss was going over the new pension plan and I missed some important information because I was tm;dl after the negative changes were discussed.
by HKPanda March 1, 2020
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Forgive them
Father, 4gv tm, 'cos they know not what they are defining.
by Hercolena Oliver April 8, 2009
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Too much; mark read. Used when referring to a large number of new posts on a web forum, and rather than reading them all, you simply mark them as read.
I don't have time to read these 50+ new posts. tm;mr
by ninlenna July 16, 2018
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a scummy person that ruins peoples lives and is a cunt
Person 1: hey can I tell you my feelings?
Person 2: ok but I won't be a TM about it

example 2:
Person 1: yo bro did you see the new bully?
Person 2: yeah he's such a TM
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