in the early 1980's, the typically ska related dance style known as skanking became synonymous with "slam dancing" at hardcore punk rock shows in southern california, and maybe some other places which matter. The thrashing about of the arms and legs became much more violent and was sometimes accompanied by the wearing of a spiked dog collar and wristlet combination to better one's chances of drawing blood. we've even seen barbed wire wrapped around ankles during the most hardcore skank sessions.

the punk rock skank would take place within a circle of punks and anybody trying to leave the circle would be apprehended by the punks on the perimeter and thrown with great gusto and much drunken laughter, back into fray.

this old school circle of punks and the skankers within, transmogrified over time to become today's mosh pit.
from the hardcore punk band the circle jerk's classic song "I just want some skank":

passing flyers at the troub
seven nights seven 'ludes
what's the deal with this band?
Let's go roll some fields, man

I just want some skank!
I just want some skank!
I just want some skank!
I just want some skank!
by the pep squad April 8, 2005
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A dance style. Used along with Ska music.
That Sarah girl sure knows how to skank.

Blake knows how to skank backwards.
by Shanaynay March 13, 2005
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Although, skanks maybe all the same, but there are truthfully diffrerent kinds of them.
Type A: snobby lil bitch
Type B: snobby lil bitch + spreads rumours
Type C: snooby lil bitch + spreads rumours + tries too hard to seduce people that they scare them off.
Type D: snooby lil bitch + spreads rumours + tries too hard to seduce people that they scare them off + gangster wannabe.
Type A: "Hi, I'm and skank and I don't like your girlfriend."

Type B: "Hi, I'm and skank and I don't like your girlfriend. I heard she has an ugly and hairy butt."

Type C: "Hi, I'm and skank and I don't like your girlfriend. I heard she has an ugly and hairy butt. Wanna touch my left boob?"

Type C: "Hi, I'm and skank and I don't like your girlfriend. I heard she has an ugly and hairy butt. Wanna touch my left boob? cuhz ya kno, its fly."
by iSkank October 23, 2007
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1.A dance in wich you spin around in circles while alternating your feet to the beat of SKA music.
2.a really trashy chick who is either un-clean, slutty, or both.
1. dude last night at the aquabats concert i skanked til i fell over in pain.
2.dude, your mom is such a skank.
by topamonster May 6, 2005
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To dance widly, ususally to ska music. Rockin ska music.
to skank, one only has to be willing to look slightly crazy
by Thomas Hyman April 22, 2008
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A dirty low class girl who in her own world thinks she is the shit.
Uses people (guys for money)in ways of threats.
That Bolsinger girl Amy is the biggest skank around.
by Kim jean John July 19, 2006
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