Being Retarded And From Surrey So That You Can't Say The The Phrase Right
Your A Jigger New, O What!!!!
by dave nason November 14, 2003
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(N) A older person that likes to molest little children. Often works at carnivals.
I heard that carny Larry is a real Kiddie Jigger.
by Sabin07 April 2, 2007
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and exclamation of horror when one is experiencing a severe rap music situation, or to alert one another of a passing gangster who is likely to bust out his 9.
"oh my god look at that guy over there."
"jigger what!"

or..."Jigger what?? T'Neil turn this god damn music off!"
by Corina May 16, 2004
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liverpool(scouse) slang for prostitute,jigger meaning back alley.
shes the biggest jigger rabbit of them all, meaning shes a very active prostitute
by merseyblue March 18, 2007
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Perfectly Translated: Fog.

When you are out hunting and the fog rolls down from the mountains, making it hard to see or use your scope.
Guy #1: Oh crap...
Guy #2: What is i... oh.
Guy #1: Those damn Jigger Clouds always ruining our hunt!
by Insertnamesz November 1, 2010
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A word that goes hand and hand with nigger,spook,and coon

usually a word used by the older folk.
"hey what you jigger biggers doing in my yard!!!!
by wisdome77 June 16, 2009
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When a rick black nigger dominates an inferior white male.
I heard Wyatt Henderson got gold jiggered by Tobin last night.
by Alberto Saúl July 8, 2017
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