This is a new product offering from Cisco Advanced Services; also know as Cisco AS. Cisco AS light is the same professional services offered by Cisco Systems but without the default arrogance. The other benefit of Cisco AS light is that Cisco actually sends engineers to your company that are certified on Cisco equipment.

Cisco AS light also offers an improved user interface. This is a result of the less arrogant engineers not having a chip on their shoulder or feeling that they constantly have to prove themselves. Drinking Cisco kool-aid becomes optional for those that choose that lifestyle.

Cisco Systems expects this new product offering to drive 3rd Quarter earnings this year to an all time high as they redefine professional services in the network consulting industry.
before Cisco Advanced Services – Light

Eng 1: Dude; why did the network crash?
Eng 2: Oh yeah,,, Some Cisco AS guy came out to demo a WAAS appliance.
Eng1: Haven’t they heard of Riverbed?
Eng2: The Cisco account manager knows the best titty bars!
by Network Dawg February 13, 2008
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Filipino meaning of advanced thinking
Used when you did something in advanced
(I’m guessing it’s only used by Filipinos)
Text: Did pregnancy test even though still virgin
Person: Advance ako mag-isip
by RoyelPixel ._. October 16, 2018
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1. a device designed to waste the time of anyone who is loser enough to blow 100 bucks on it, not including the games.
1. some people waste so much time playing game advanced SP, it makes me want to poop on their heads.
2. I can't belive how much time the guy who wrote the other definition of this word must have wasted on research for this bullshit.
by John Sherman May 5, 2005
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The tendency to bitch about everything god created on this earth. At this point the virus is so advanced it is literally an understatement describing it as bitchiness. It is better defined as Purely Concentrated Habitual Bitch-Ass Nigganess. Once here, there is no cure you're fucked and doomed to complain, bitch, and moan about absolutely everymuthafuckinthing.
Anthonyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! You left me for dead!!!
Dude oh my god are you finished with my essay?
I gotta work in the morning man...
Chucky Cheeses, Chucky Cheeses, I want Chucky Cheeses.
When I was at the hospital you guys left me for dead.

All the above are Alcala Syndrome (Advanced Stage) symptoms
by Zayyyy July 2, 2011
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The dumbest and second most pointless class in school besides Geometry. Judging by this site, ya'll need it. It is another excuse to take a 45 min nap before you have to go to lunch and get bitched at.
Hussy wake up!
oh shit the computer apps teacher is bitchin' again
by Geena Davis May 3, 2005
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A game where everyone jumps 20 feet in the air and uses noob tactics to win and if you camp everyone will try to push you out of your spot and then there's the bal 27 Obsidian Steed faggots enemy warbirds every 2 seconds noobs quickscopers teammates that punch you for no reason boosters and cheaters call of duty fanboys and 10 year olds who think they score girls plus hackers then almost every gun in the game is a weapon variant thats better then your gun then care packages explode when you try to take it then all the shotguns and snipers suck
friend 1 "hey u want to play call of duty advanced warfare

Friend 2"no it sucks 2 bad

Friend 1"but everyone else plays it plus there exos like titanfall

Friend 2"well im gonna play battlefield cuz that's better then any COD
by sup du April 2, 2016
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When a person sticks his hands in a praying position and then rams it up another guy's ass. Derived from a legendary kid who did this while holding a game boy advance
Dude, Adam just got game boy advanced! Unluckily for Jim, he had previously shit himself.
by Mr. Bubbles January 15, 2007
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