The "U" shaped yellow piss attain around a well used WC. It means any yellow stain on a floor but particularly around a water closet.
We will have to replace this flooring your majesty, the lino around the bog is like the queen mother's grin.
by Randy Bumgardner September 7, 2015
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A)The grin on someone's face when they are trying not to smile but cant stop so they look like a total shithead.

called a shit eating grin because:

if you ate a piece of shit and you enjoyed it, you would naturally smile, but also try to hide that you enjoyed it at the same time, thus resulting in a "shit eating" grin.
"Wipe that shit eating grin off your face."

After John beat his friend Jim on a test, a shit eating grin came over him.

person 1 "Look at the size of that guys shit eating grin!"
person 2 "Man he looks retarded."
by Simmons12 August 2, 2006
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1. A huge smile that shit eaters can't stand(aka people who take themselves too seriously) When a serious butthurt occurs followed by a SEG said "victim" often flees to Urban Dictionary to bitch and moan about SEG's or someone wearing one. These whiners are often on the wrong end of the stick(no pun intended) and are too dull to grasp that their bitching only intensifies the "shittiness" of the grin. Naturally humiliation of the "victim" is in direct correlation to the "shittiness" of the grin.

In any situation it's best to be the person wearing a shit eating grin as opposed to the person who just ate shit. The person wearing the shit eating grin possesses both self-control and inner contentment concerning present circumstances. (possibly but not always at someone's expense) .

Many women love a shit eating grin, as it expresses the mystery of inner laughter as well as a completely unabashed authenticity regarding another person. All without blabbing on about some bullshit she probably doesn't care about.

A shit eating grin is one of the most powerful/sexy smiles in the world when expressed correctly.
Shit eating Jim and Butthurt Tom are walking on the sidewalk when Tom slips on a banana peal and falls on his ass. Jim flashes an enormous shit eating grin.
T: Wipe that shit eating grin off your face!
J: What grin?(while still smiling)
T: (silent)
J: (normal face) Alright Tom get up let's go.
T: No!!!! I'm going to go home and write an article about how butthurt your smile makes me feel!!!
J: (grins) o.k. Tom you do that.
by CheshireXstacy June 25, 2011
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A grin which someone crazy enough to be eating shit and be deliriously happy about it would have on their face.
I told Jimmy to wipe that shit-eating grin off his face before I smashed it into a pulp.
by hugepossum November 29, 2005
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The Toronto toothy grin (TTG) is when a chick gives you a blowjob and right before you cum, you kick her in the stomach creating a look that appears to be a toothy grin, then you cum on her teeth, applying it evenly on each tooth, kinda like fluoride. Take a photo with the hidden camera in your headboard and add it to your scrapbook.
Ex: Last night, I gave Lucy a Toronto toothy grin. She enjoyed it, and was ecstatic to find out she's the feature pic on page 5 of my scrapbook.
by DJ Clamstrong January 13, 2008
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An involuntary yet pleasant physical manifestation affecting one's facial features as a result of the amused, giddy feeling one experiences when accelerating while driving a Tesla vehicle.

A reaction to the magic of intention and simultaneous vehicular feedback: hitting the gas pedal and going 0 to 60 m/hr (or 100 km/hr) in 3 seconds.

Feeling like you're in warp drive and loving it.
He couldn't wipe that Tesla grin off his face even after the car came to a complete stop.
by izfo May 2, 2016
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