Or ABV (auto body vaping) is Where you accidentally breath in your own fart and then sneeze. Also known as a reverse sniff.
Harold midway through his conversation let loose an SBD (silent but deadlyfart) which put his words to an end when the said SBD found its way to his olfactory causing him to breathe deeply the fart, leading to a violent poo particle sneeze-

Harold: "Ah dude! I'm totally body vaping!"
by Andy Ironhart February 2, 2020
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Although it can refer to one wild as hell night on the town a "body wrecker" is usually a friend or family member that we love but who blows into town throwing caution to the wind...drinking, constant drinking, waffle house, krystals,zaxby's...then....more drinking, and you get the picture. After they leave you have to do sprints, make yourself vomit & eat only veggie burgers for a month to return to your previous weight.
Brother: oh shi*t....he comin?
Other Brother: "yeah , its gonna be a long weekend haha"
Both brothers: "body wrecker "
by freespirit200 May 26, 2017
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A girl with a great body, but every guy is putting (pudding) his dick in her
Dude she has a pudding body bro! Imma be in that tonight!
by hanker_dankers February 1, 2016
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a girl has big (breast) and a big (butt)
man she got a bubble body.
by Jay- rock October 27, 2015
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1. A dude who "surfs" (either on the 'Net or at the beach) for cute chicks with great bodies.
2. A chick who offers her body to horny studs in exchange for their financial indulgences; she "rides the tide" (i.e., gleefully "glides on the crest" of her present lover's surplus savings) all the way into shore (i.e., to the point when the soft-skin-'n'-firm-flesh-craving dude's excess saving are eventually depleted by her wanton spending), then casually picks up her surfboard without even so much as a single backwards glance at her fiscally-attenuated ex-benefactor, and gracefully pirouettes off along the seashore of life in search of the next lonesome sucker sitting all by his lonesome on da beach of bachelorhood.
Financially-solvent hunks of any age should be wary of any hot chick who suddenly/unexpectedly comes onto him "with both barrels" and offers him a no-holds-barred good time, especially if he's not all that young or good-looking --- she may very likely just be a body-surfer.
by QuacksO March 10, 2018
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to apply force to the ground with one's entire body, resulting in a fap -like noise
body fapping is quite common for me because my best friend always steps on the back of my shoes
by a.m3lt October 2, 2017
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A “farm” used to hold human dead body’s, for students and people to study.
I need a dead person for a ducking history project

Why the funny do you need that? Go to a body farm
by iwearyelloshirt May 22, 2022
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