ketney stone

/ˈketnē stōn/


Def.: Kidney stones caused by excessive Ketamine consumption
Doctor: these wooks have been coming in with severe Ketney stones lately
by TheTallestPsychonaut March 3, 2021
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A series of progressively slower and quieter farts that sounds like a stone skipping across the water.
Tommy: Damn, what was that like five in a row?

Spencer: Hell yeah bro you know I be stone skipping
by timyord June 6, 2020
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To get out of bed, especially after a long period of sleeping.
I was up much of last night partying, so it was nearly 2pm before I decided to unroll the stone today.
by Crinklecut June 18, 2013
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To be Stoned :
: to hurl stones at especially

: to kill by pelting with stones

: to make hard or insensitive to feeling
: to face, pave, or fortify with stones
: to rub, scour, or polish with a stone
Drone :
1. A male bee, especially a honeybee, performs no work and produces no honey. Its only function is to mate with the queen bee.
2. An idle person who lives off others; a loafer.
3. A person who does tedious or menial work; a drudge, A Whipping Boy

4. A remotely controlled or autonomous aircraft with no pilot on board. Also called unmanned aircraft system.
There Was a "Stoned Drone" Silence in the Room. I Started, "Stoned Drone" Productions!

Have you Ever Heard of the "Stoned Drone" Obstacle Course??

What Happened to the "Stoned Drone"? Isn't there a Channel Called "Stoned Drone"??
by JNX2020 June 21, 2021
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An amazing friend and person who you can count on to be supportive and listen to you when you need him to. He is funny and kind and awesome and is NOT my sibling. He is funny and can bounce back from a bad mood.
"Thomas Haddon Stone is such a sigma male bro"
"i know right maybe I should steal Tom's skin and become Tom"
by RatMaster123 November 1, 2023
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Has a nice ass.
Also could and would Kill you.

Very dangerous. Will cause Damage *wink wink*

Oh also canonly has big dick energy. Just sayin'

Fucked the ugly cat once tho so that's weird.
I want to push Damian (Nine stones) down the stair or into my bedsheets. It's up for Chance.
by Nashuee September 8, 2021
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