If someone says end of the week, they could be referring to Friday, potentially might mean Saturday or it may be Sunday they’re talking about. Either way, the end of the week is sometime around the weekend. That is why it is called the week end. It happens at the end of the week.
I will pay you back by the end of the week.
by Whyisitsohardtopickahandle October 30, 2022
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When you feed your partner mac and cheese during loud sex, so mac and cheese noises are coming from both ends of her.
Last night we were running late, so instead of having dinner and then sex, I gave ger the Double Ended Mac Attack
by CatAttack420 October 18, 2022
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A few unhappy endings that an audience wouldn't like that would turn Good Will Hunting from a comedy to something else are Matt Damon doesn't go to California to look for the girl, she cries inconsolable for a short while, then marries another guy, while Matt Damon stays in Boston going to Little League games long enough for Ben Affleck to follow through on his promise of killing him (a fact and not a threat in his words). Ben Affleck would think he was doing the world a favor, kind of like the Of Mice and Men story, and puts a bullet in the back of his head down by the river, dropping his body to the bottom. Another possibility Robin Williams provided was for Matt Damon to become another unabomber, perhaps he puts a bomb in the mailbox for Skylar's husband to open, but instead of him being the one to check the mail that day, Skylar is disfigured forever or killed by the bomb when she opens the mailbox, and Matt Damon has to live with that for the rest of his life. There's more possibilities than just those two that nobody explored.
An alternate Good Will Hunting ending would have been more interesting than the one the audience got.
by The Original Agahnim June 19, 2021
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Something Ryan Hanna will someday get :)
I’m standing on both ends , heheheh
by weirdme2848 May 12, 2023
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Steve: im with you till the end of the line.
Bucket: :D
Bucket: ... :/
by INCORRECTBUCKET February 6, 2023
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onion story over the end onion
hope you enjoyed the onion story but the end onion
by who gave my son an onion November 3, 2019
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