Used to describe a low skill or poorly performing team or player in gaming, often used in a overwatch.

To sink like a brick, weigh down the team or perform poorly.
That player is so brick
That healer did nothing, so brick
What a brick team (after a defeat)
by BrickMan22 January 7, 2023
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Used to describe a long period of time or a far distance.

This particular use of the word is most commonly heard in the DMV.
1. I haven’t seen you in bouta brick!
2. I’ve been waiting here for a brick.

3. That’s a brick away! (referring to distance)
4. I’m still a brick from location.
by leah4478 May 8, 2023
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Very fucking cold, or a kilo of dope
Yo it's mad brick out; I just picked up 2 bricks from Carlos
by Prettynikki September 16, 2017
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A block of drugs filled with weed or others
yo bro he shot like 4 bricks last night
This guy is on a mazza!
by freedafarmgs July 9, 2019
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A gift you give to someone who you hate. It is delivered by throwing it through their window or at their head with a note attached. The note should contain an insulting adjective or a demeaning adverb.
I really hate Nicky so when he was feeling good about himself, so I gave him a brick!
by IPitFukOnYou June 3, 2016
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That women is a brick, she does only mexicans.
by Buggzboy October 10, 2010
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