Someone who builds products (usually software) on their own, without taking on VC funding.
“Have you seen the new Email marketing software Julie just launched? She bootstrapped it over three years. I’m glad to see Indie Hackers like her succeeding!”
by dawas September 8, 2019
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aka Vincent Cole Hacker, aka vending machine, aka vinegar, aka vinnie the pooh
THE hottest man alive (besides ryan reynolds) with a great personality and a great head of natural curly hair and great genes by his parents.

A literal statue of a greek god.

Random girls get very defensive when he is seen with another female homo sapiens on any social platform for no reason.
Vinnie Hacker: *breathes* / *posts a picture of his hand*
Simp: *dies*
by simp12321 January 4, 2021
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A place where you can do everything from reverse engineering an internal penis pump to 3D printing facial reconstructions for Shriners Hospitals.
Hey Caleb, we got the implant back from the hacker lab and we're ready to operate.
by Ranchgirls November 19, 2020
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A combination of DXM (usually in the form of Acodin, a cough medicine available in Poland) and Stroh 80, Austrian rum with 80% alcohol.
After taking an Austrian hacker, I was fucked up as hell. Probably cause I was drunk already at the time.
by nulled January 24, 2011
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A person who cheats in a game like Counter-Strike, where the hack involves lowering the opacity of the walls. Such that players normally cannot be seen since they are behind a wall are visible.
You caught me wall hacker.
by Eric Shi December 23, 2003
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hacker noobs are mutated noobs. They feed on the pain of other gamers by pwning them in a cruel way...hacking. Hacking is either changing to course of the game or modifying your game experience by having something nobody else can ever have. Hacking noobs can also be people that hack in to internet, blogs, security etc. in a noobish style.
WTF! These hacker noobs killed me again!
by Le Godfather July 4, 2010
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When a elderly lady gets her internet taken off her by her ISP for downloading off limewire and then gives zero fucks and moves on to pirate bay.
"I got banned by my ISP, I've got to sign something saying I won't do it again"
*a month later*
"Seen this new the pirate bay thing, it's well good"

This my friends is a granny hacker
by Lord Mountevans December 9, 2016
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