Zeus sounds more like a tyrant's tyrant than someone that actually loves you.
If people shouldn't worship false idols, why would they worship a statue of Zeus? That seems like the one thing people weren't allowed to question.
by The Original Agahnim October 19, 2021
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zeusbtw is the best youtuber and he is cracked at fortnite my guy.he is hot,has a big dick,and handsome.
my friend zeus he is already taken and he's cracked at fortnite my guy
by zeuslol June 24, 2021
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The God of Gods and supreme ruler of the universe. He is the eternal judge in heaven and you will have to stand accountable to him when you pass away. You don't want to be on his bad side because his wrath is very serious. Just hope that you are worthy of his love and mercy. Heavenly Father "Zeus" is so serious i remember when i was a young child i just took an ice cream bar from the conviencence store. i didnt know what stealing was. All of a sudden I was so scared i could barely move. Like i had just seen a very scary ghost. I couldn't eat the ice cream bar. and that night i heard very scary loud vibrations and huged my dad real tight. The next day i pooped my pants and my mom spanked me. I had a near death or total death experience and saw him face to face. He is very awesome and holy and he is Father Sky. His face was total white light and he was wearing an olive leaf crown. He said I look more like my mom. I asked him if he has anything against me. He said you took my quaters. My step dad looked like Santa Clause and i took his change sometimes cuz i needed extra money. He Man upstairs is so serious I would not want to stand before him as a murder and i'm glad he didn't judge me as a murderer. The man is serious. You are a total fool to defy him. but he is also very caring and concerned with great understanding towards people that are distressed. I love him and he is a very good heavenly father. I am glad he displine me that made me a much strongeeer person.
by burn_out July 18, 2021
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To cause catastrophic problems for everyone one meets, whilst facing little to no consequences oneself.


Greek god of the sky and, by extension, thunder. Known for consistently fucking everything up for pretty much everyone but himself.
1) Don't interact with him if you can help it, he'll Zeus everything up.

2) Zeus fucking sucks
by sewer r a t April 2, 2022
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As far as mythology goes, if Hades could be stopped by humans, so could Zeus. Zeus knew that, and therefore desperately tried to keep them loving him instead of rising against him, the way they did his brother. The story is similar to the ones the scribes wrote in the bible. The scribes wrote this stuff to keep people going to church and giving the church their money, instead of rising against people like the scribes, who fear(ed) the masses.
Zeus has no power he's not given by humans because he is not real. He was written by humans who wanted to stay in power.
by Solid Mantis February 28, 2021
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He is the nicest person ever. Don't be fooled by Greek Mythology, for the one and only person he loves is Hera. When they talk about their love; they talk about a garden.
They looked at each other and never looked back.

It's not about taking Hera's side, or Zeus's side, but more like the bigger picture-- of them together both happy. So when you praise them, praise both for their love-- that's eternal.

We get the bigger picture wrong, thinking it's one side vs the other, but when you put it together, it's moreso them together fighting for the bigger cause.

So write about how much he loves his wife, and write how much he love everyone, and write about Hera as being the number one, because that is what they probably want everyone to remember in the end.

Write about their love, because, in the end, it's always Hera and Zeus.

So Zeus, I hope we write about you two being in love, happy, and complete, for when we read about you, we read about how you two always come back to each other in the end.
That's Zeus for you, forgiving as always.
by Rowsea July 16, 2020
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