When someone talks nervously to someone who intimidates and impresses them.
That boy was gawk talking to his father's friend.
by Ereck Flowers May 3, 2019
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Chicken gawking is the act of leering at a woman or a man so that your neck extends out like a chicken pecking for food.
That man is chicken gawking at you so hard that he almost fell off of the bar stool.
by Bad Attitude Barbie August 10, 2019
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when you get really good oral sex and feel like ur floating
damn, michaela’s throat goat got me gawked
by lovewhoreself555 September 13, 2022
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after reciving this godly performance you'll have non stop cum for thirteen minutes and your soul will permantly leave ur body
: a chick gave me the gawk gawk triple duster kluster buster and i couldnt stop nutting i nutted in my moms face and she beat me

woah ur moms hot
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when she gawks your pp then sucks it dry
james: yo i got the gawk and chug last night
carl: you need some water bro?
by Matista December 3, 2020
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A cool guy that doesnt like plain rice because hes tasteless. He has a very weird sense of humour and usually makes sus comments but wont admit hes 0.9% gay . He has the most annoying gf but somehow still loves her, he is a very big simp for kristina but he doesnt wanna admit it for some reason. His faceee ,hes the mostt beautiful person and has the cutest eyelashes but wont realise how long they're because hes blind . He has some cute ass dimples which everyone should be jealous of . Everything about him in general is perfect except from the fact that he wont attempt to write with his left hand. He tends to turn everything into something dirty no matter what you say. Hes very helpful and is really smart,he always works hard for everything which is something that amazes everyone. He deserves the whole world <3
Kris : Who's that smexc guy?
Stranger: its eddie,eddie gawk
Kris : dayummmm now it all makes sense
by hahahelloidk July 1, 2021
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Fear of Gawk
Fear of Gawk is the feeling when u are afraid of giving gawk
by D is for daddy October 2, 2023
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