The killing off of a character previously introduced as, or given to be, a recognizable character adapted between media, and replacing that character with a younger namesake for the sake of arbitrarily observed "continuity".

Reference to the character {Henry} James "Jimmy" Olsen (Aaron Ashmore) being a contemporary of Clark Kent and Lois Lane for three seasons on 'Smallville', before being replaced by a heretofore unmentioned younger brother "Jimmy" Olsen, in an effort to conform to general Superman continuity in which Jimmy Olsen is much younger than Superman/Clark Kent and Lois Lane, and despite more glaring deviations from generally observed Superman continuity (e.g. Chloe Sullivan, Davis Bloome).

Also: Bump the Jimmy, Jump the Jimmy, Jimmy the Jimmy; or, -ed, -ied, the Jimmy.
WATCHERONE: Man, was that the lamest stunt with Dick Grayson, or what. Yeah, he's five years older than Bruce, but, wtf?

WATCHERTWO: Yeah, dude, they sure Chumped the Jimmy on that one.
by tipafo May 17, 2009
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1)A person who acts in a non-subservient manner and tends to get pleasure out of annoying others

2)A person who doesn't know what Chump-Diggity means

3)Average person

-Tends to utter the phrase "takeitoffurbandictionary!" frequently in a slurred manner
The herd of Chump-Diggities could be heard screaming "takeitoffurbandictionary!" three counties away.

Look at that Chump-Diggity, he doesn't know what Chump-Diggity means.

Why is the world flooded with Chump-Diggities?!
by Communist Roll'd March 29, 2010
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A group of people who think they are cool by having parties with one case of beer for 15 people and then throw up.
Pat had a huge chump squad party at his house and took down two beers, one for him, and one for his pussy.
by lths100 November 14, 2005
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A player of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 that exclusively uses the UMP45 sub machine gun. This player will probably also have fall camo and a silencer.
MattiePOSDaddy just killed the whole enemy team with the UMP45? What an ump chump!
by mattiethedrummer616 September 19, 2010
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a beverage;typically the choice made by chumps. Always served in a bottle.
Go drink your chump juice, you chumpette.
by LOLROFLCOPTERZ!111 November 16, 2009
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When one is too high to function under the influence of cannabis.
“Here gilbert bro, im fuckinnn bubba chumped
by Yerboy01 April 1, 2019
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When an unfamiliar guy (a.k.a. "chump") comes up behind a woman on the dance floor and starts grinding away on her behind, waving to his buddies, getting off on the fact that he'd never be able to get this close otherwise...
"Lisa, I gotta get off this dance floor - there's this guy that's been chump-humpin' on me all night and he's creepin' me out!!"
by Miss Aim August 26, 2008
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