When a man slips a testicle in to both the bum hole and the vagina then proceeds to jizz on her tits
Mate, I completed the challenger on that loose bird!
by The challenger July 12, 2014
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A challenge whereby the participants eat as many brownies as possible and down them with room temperature coca cola, all while sitting in a hot room. The one who successfully avoids soiling themselves before the end of the challenge is the victor.
"Brownies and coke challenge....I ate three pans of brownies and downed room temperature coca cola that is three months old in a room with the temp at 80, and my nickers are whiter than Sarah Palin. This brownies and coke challenge is nuthin."
by sillybritches April 30, 2014
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Placing a star rum bottle on the floor and seeing how far you can get it up your asshole by sitting on it.
Jeff: dude I just did the star rum challenge and totally got the whole thing up there.

Dom: wow that’s amazing. I could only get 3/4ths of the bottle.
by The bologna October 7, 2019
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Simple listen to Disney or pixar music while having sex.
Bro, me and my girlfriend did the Disney Challenge last night. I can never watch Aladdin again
by NaokiSenpai February 28, 2016
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A Homo that cannot accept that fact that he is a Homo. Could be used to describe a Lesbian, but I prefer Carpet Muncher.
Gary - "I know I haven't been with a woman in 3 years! I'm trying to find the right one!"

Shaun - "You own 58 pairs of shoes and drive a Beetle, obviously you are Straight Challenged and need to just come out"
by inmijd May 6, 2011
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3 a.m. challenge videos are super gay challenges (with the exception of Condom Challenge) that sprouted form the depths of hell known as the YouTube community. When this challenge came along, a lot of YouTubers jumped on the train, started milking it, and made videos that contained complete shit. Many people believe that the main culprits of this gay challenge whom cannot atone for the sins they've harbored during this colonial shit age of YouTube, are yours truly Durv, Morgz, and *inhale* n&a productions. They are probably the reason why countless YouTubers are still doing this "challenge" for their 7 yr old fanbase. Overall the 3 a.m. challenge is a super gay challenge that turned YouTube into a shit bonanza must be stopped, otherwise innocent people will be vacuumed into the shit abyss known as the YouTube community.
Kid #1: Bro did you watch "Do not call weenie the pooh at 3 a.m."? It is super scary, bro
Kid #2 : Bro I was in the middle of watching it until my father took my device away and grounded me for eternity.
Kid #1: Bro, I'm in your condolences, you missed the sex scene at the end, bro.
Kid #2: Bro, in that case, I'm gonna go call at 3 a.m.!
Kid #3: Gay gays, don't you know that the 3 a.m. challenge videos are complete bullshit?!
by startrekfan89 August 19, 2018
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When you are having sex with your partner and re-enact woody falling through the sky screaming AaAnNnNdDdDyyYy
Bro did the Andy challenge with my girlfriend last night.. pretty interesting
by Andy mate March 3, 2019
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