A combination of feces of 2 or more people creating a soupy porridge.
by Word that are the truth February 3, 2020
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Another way of saying Hollister clothing in another state other than California.
by qwertyuiop130 January 5, 2012
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When you’re able to live a bougie lifestyle, where you can afford to buy an expensive car, the latest iPhone, go out to eat every day, but you live in a tiny studio or 1 bedroom apartment, where most of your income goes to rent
Hey man! I just paid my rent!
Nice, how much did you pay?
I paid 1,900 dollars for a studio!

How are you able to afford the latest iPhone and drive a BMW?
I’m California broke!
by rmurill1 February 6, 2021
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The act of jizzing in a crockpot and then proceeding to cook it in a pot roast and then making your lover eat it
John gave me a California crockpot
by Yes’m October 11, 2020
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When a woman fantasy of fucking on an air plane is expressed by jumping onto a man and girating violently; causing the cabin compartments to open.
She wanted to be a part of the mile high club so bad she pulled a California duffle bag
by Retardland November 7, 2013
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a sexual act where you hold a girls legs in the shower and watch a hippo eat a ghost pepper,
todd wants to have a california deaner tonight.
by sfopldsfjl; February 4, 2016
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A California Silly is when you shit, piss, and cum in a bucket and dump it on someone like The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
“yo I heard Sylus gave you a California Silly”

“yeah I can still smell it
by CaliBoyz April 13, 2023
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