The act of a woman performing oral sex on a stranger while blindfolded. Just before he cums, the man rips the blindfold off. As she looks up at his face, he shoots a load all over her face. The load may cause slight discoloration of the eye.

Alternatively, when a man is performing oral sex on a woman while blindfolded. Just before she squirts, she rips his blindfold off. As he looks up at her face, she squirts all over his face. The load may cause slight discoloration of the eye.
Guy: Dude, that chick lost her eye sight for about 10 minutes last night.
Pal: What happened?
Guy: She was doing the bird box challenge. After I came, she ran out of the house topless got in the car and left, she drove like a grandma going to the buffet hitting mailboxes and swerving all over the place.
by James Townsend January 23, 2019
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The Bird box challenge is when you take your Girlfriend to KFC buy a bucket of chicken then take her home shove a drumstick in her pussy and fuck her in the ass upon completion you remove the chicken drumstick from her pussy eat it then lick her pussy so it taste like chicken.
i met a girl from the bar last night and did the Bird box challenge on her.
by Crixus420 October 1, 2023
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When you oil up your penis, and set it on fire while spankin the monkey
Yo fucking cunt Tommy are you gonna try the MeatBlazer Challenge tonight.
by 🐒 December 13, 2019
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The homeless community states that the word “hobo” is too close to the word “Homo”, and from now on would like to be referred to as “residentially challenged”.
by JasT512 September 23, 2020
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For Each Day Of The Week You Must Complete One Task On This List
•Hang with anyone you barely see
•Become closer friends with someone
•Grab or Slap someone’s rear end

•Hug a close friend for more than usual
•Kiss someone on the cheek
•Anything sexual
Which weekly challenge should I do today
Weekly challenges-A way to get closer with your friends
by Heyyherehowudoing836 May 1, 2018
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BNN(Before No Nut) is an unofficial day which starts on 31 october and ends on 1st november at 00:00.Its supposed to be the last day when you can nut(fap,masturbate) so go on and beat the 31 faps challenge.
BNN Challenge prepares u for NNN thing
by GarbageCabbage October 27, 2020
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The speed limit challenge is when you play your favorite song/songs but have to play the music to the speed limit signs seen while driving
“Hey Greg, 50 bucks says you can’t do the speed limit challenge to Awaken by dethlok.”
by Jamesbond324 December 9, 2020
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