What is required to type multiple sentences on to a smart phone. Or, the time one takes to type on a smart phone uses their thumb breath. If you're getting tired of typing on your phone, you're out of thumb breath.
Save your thumb breath, I'm not reading your message right now.
by Unemeoj November 1, 2022
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When your going down on a ginger and she queefs in your mouth.
I was having a good time eating a red head out in the downward dog position last night until she blasted my face with that red dragons breath.
by PuppyJack7 September 7, 2021
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A breath jungle is a room/area that emanates large amounts hot breath-like air that is steamy and moist.
"Ah man, that conference room felt like a breath jungle."
by gmr89 May 12, 2016
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So I gave this girl pickle breathe after six hours in the bedroom.
by MilezDeep March 6, 2014
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Kentucky fried chicken water fried mc donald arbys dairy queen samich light clorox
Those Breath Strips Tasted Bad
by Bean Boi June 7, 2022
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