The new Buffalo Bills, gets to the state finals 3 straight years and lose 3 straight years...can't seem to beat Shawnee, no matter how many steriods they use. Every single female is hot, there are no ugly ones. AKA Italian TWP.
They pulled a TWP and choked in the final minute.
by 80 March 3, 2005
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a school that sucks balls and thats why me n my friends go there
washington township high school - we blow!!!!!!!!!!!!
by we blow May 8, 2009
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A bunch of spoiled pussies that have way too much fucking money. They would go onto any city street and cry like a fucking baby because “its sketchy.”
This Peters Township High School kid is a fucking pussy rich kid.
by 637373637376 November 14, 2021
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Lyons township high school is a mess. these messy ass vsco ho’s will literally sell their soul for republishes. the boys are all addicted to nicotine although they’ve never smoked a cigarette in their lives. the school is infested with not only cockroaches but also mosquitoes. everyone’s rich parents give them a comfortable lifestyle of expensive cars and never actually dealing with the consequences of their actions because their parents could pay a fine.
“i’m very happy i don’t go to Lyons township high school
lyons township high school is disgusting!! it’s infested with bugs!”
“yeah another kid at lyons township high school got booked with his juul
by The Chicago Times September 24, 2018
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the hell hole full of crack heads, bitchy cheerleaders who should all die, and over all assholes. I hate mostly everyone in that school, and its a frigin prison. And I'm sick of the preppy people calling punks, goths, and skaters names, especially goths. Their not freaks. I hate that school with a passion. I wish it would burn down with the people I hate in it. The sad part is I still got 2 years left in that hell.
cheerleaders are stupid bitchy slutty whores who think their the best thing that walked the earth.
by 4646464646 May 5, 2005
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A school located in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia. The teachers are good and most students learn alot, but it sucks anyway because it is a middle school.

It is currently a 5, 6, and 7th grade school, but may soon become 6, 7, and 8th grades.
Joe: Hey, what school do you go to?

Julian: Springfield Township Middle School.

Joe: Do you like it?

Julian: No. It sucks.
by ROFLWAFFLES... September 22, 2009
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