Annoying ska kid. Has long hair and likes to use slang from the 80s. Avoid at all cost.
P1: Dude, look at that guy over there. He looks like a girl.
P2: Oh, that's just Shibby Jay. He's a hobo.
by Ben Middlemiss August 1, 2004
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bitchin. radical. kewl. goober's way of saying "neat-o".
kyle: yo yo, i saw your mom makin out with chase this morning.
brent aka goober: shibby.
by kyle motha fuckin mobly February 19, 2003
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1. a baller ass mutha who likes the lion king and puppies
2. one who loves sponge bob and reeses'
3. pro softball playin allstar
Shibby! just can't wait to be king!
by stephamandasash February 17, 2008
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a very rich fag that posses around with his money, pretends to get chicks, although he loves the cock and the women the money
yves is a shibbby

u shibby boy
by heuil March 3, 2004
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(n). 1. A nut that you bust when your so drunk you have the spins. Simply an orgasm that occurs when you are shibbying.
1."Shupe, come here and take this shibby load on your face before i puke."
by LS returns(tiny) January 12, 2009
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Very cool, Awesome. Uber in its self meens very or alot.Shiby meens cool, awesome,shibby...You get the point.
That Car is UBER SHIBBY!
by Kaylee April 20, 2005
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An expression used to describe a helpful and/or pleasant occurence.
I finally fucked her!! I'm no longer a pussy!!
Some guy walking by: Shibby!
by Nytehauq August 21, 2003
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