A common way of saying that one is honest with other people as with thyne self. Another spin on said phrase in that you are always correct and true in your said honesty. The phrase has been seeming to spread like wild fire or a flaming case of herpes at A.A. meetings. One tool says this stupid phrase and everyone starts saying it, like the mother fucker just started some new fad and everyone was to get on the bandwagon.
Tool 1 : Since I've been coming here I have learned to become more honest, you know cash register honest. Now just your normal basic honest will no longer due.

Tool 2 : Amen to that, I feel the same way.

Dude : What the fuck does cash register honest even mean, you two are fuckin retarted.
by TV CAR March 26, 2010
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honest abe day is on april 2nd. you must not tell any lies and be honest all day to make up for the lies and pranks of april fools day.
Happy Honest Abe Day! I will not tell any lies today!!
by April 3, 2022
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Honest Abe Day is April 2nd, the day after April Fools Day, wherein you be as truthful and honest as possible to make up for any pranks or lies you participated in on April 1st.
Remember to be honest on Honest Abe Day, or abe will get you in the middle of the night.
by batergacken April 4, 2022
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Something the well-to-do love to brag about doing while they are driven around in their limousines visiting the factories they own. Meanwhile, they pay the real workers scraps, and brainwash them into thinking backbreaking work will get them rich someday as well.
Big Lawyer #1: Theres nothing as honorable as an honest day's work, especially when I get 400 dollars an hour to babble on the phone with other people's lawyers about golf and wine tasting.

Lawyer#2: Yessir I worked hard to get to where i'm at, even though I spent half of law school, which was paid for by my parents, in cocktail bars.
by suzietoenail January 4, 2011
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This is what you say when someone is in disapproval/denial of the truth.
"You think I'm fat??? Wow. You are SO FUCKING RUDE."
"Bitch at least I'm honest."
by Space Wrangler October 17, 2018
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noun; a lie told sounding totally convincing and believable. something big that anyone would think you're telling the truth.
"OMG! I heard you like Bobby. Is it true?" "Pssht like what do you think it was a completly honest lie. duh!"
by xocutiebrixo13 March 5, 2009
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when you just can't keep your thoughts or sarcasm to yourself. speaking from the heart and with pure truth.
A man happens upon a pregnant lady and says "oh wow! expecting? Congratulations! Do you know who the father is yet?"

That's Honest Asshole Syndrome (H.A.S.)
by Paul Wall Peoples Champ April 23, 2010
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