if ur nickname is Hammer its mean that ur a beast. U take no pain but u deliver it. U never take shit from any one. U never back down or quit. Be proud to be a Hammer.
by Sahammer January 12, 2007
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To deal with rejection, anger and frustration in futile, possibly self-injurious ways--such as by pounding salt up one's ass
I'm not his tool, he can go hammer.
by John Niederbuhl April 13, 2008
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A slang for people who cannot swim.
He's a hammer, so if we throw him into the sea, he'll drown.
by Cookieszzz January 25, 2009
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verb for performing a painful, well executed tackle in rugby, sending the victim's face into the dirt, usually knocking the victim to next week and may result in a yellow card to the tackler (especially if the ref is a pom like Wayne Barnes).
Dam he just got hammered by that humungous bullabulla prop.
Yeah and I bet that dude on the ground is having a fat cry about it too.
by kortee February 2, 2008
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Hammered.org showcases fun stuff to do without booze.
Hammered digs through the pub crawls and beer pong tournaments to find stuff to do that doesn't involve fondling small white balls. Subscribe to the Hammered.org Presents free weekly email for the top fun stuff to do without drinking & drugs.
by HammeredDotOrg April 12, 2011
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a hammer is a move you give to a friend after he has insulted you. you hit him in the inner arm hard with your fist closed and it hurts like hell
doug was talking trash about joe's mama and joe gave doug the hammer
by joe brown pimp king May 3, 2005
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to fist someone forcefully against their will
Dude Justin just hammered marissa and kendal at the same time ese.
by uKNOWhowIdo January 21, 2010
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