An insult for people who you don't have the brain power to deal with.

This definition also defines "Bruised banana", "Toasted muffin", and my favorite, "Chewy cellery
Alfred: *does something stupid*
Lily: Alfred is a really dense cabbage.
by Shakespeare Definitions August 31, 2020
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1)something to shout at the top of a roller coaster
2)Ricky's Counter-strike name
Dense Fence!
by Pfef May 16, 2004
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when the dong is so heavy u cant bring it off the ground
sorry we cant do it, I have dense woods
by Johndub May 10, 2017
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when a callums too lazy to decode a simple message and realise the truth
stop being so dense
by callum you arse September 17, 2019
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1)Dense means that something/someone is heavy/thick. For example, oil is less dense than water, so it floats on the top.

2) Dense can also be used as an insult. For example, you can use this word to describe a person who is thick headed or stupid.
Teacher: Oil is lighter than water so it floats on the top! Can someone give me an example of something dense?
Derrick: I sure can. Look at Sally. She's so fat she could sink in the ocean.
Teacher: Excuse me? You don't say such things about your classmates. I asked for something dense. Not someone dense.
Derrick: Heres another example: You must be pretty dense in the head, Miss Brown, to not see that she is fat.
Sally: I'm on a diet! And me and Michelle SAW you eating three other kids lunches today. I hope you meant it in the best way because Miss Brown is thick AND compacted with knowledge.
by Person82 May 31, 2021
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a) an insult used to dehumanise and ruin self-esteem when not employed in an ironic or sarcastic tone.

b) refers to the incompetence of someone to express their real feelings and is rather hiding behind their keyboard if used over snap chat particularly.
My boyfriend of six months just texted me saying "you are ugly and my parents think you are dense" five months after we broke up.

He called me "dense" on snap chat chat, so I roasted his liver.
by uglyanddensechamps May 27, 2019
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