1.) An eye disorder that causes the eye to feel uncomfortable when looking at sharp, pointy, ninety-degree angles. The sensation is the equivalent of nails scratching a chalk board but for ones eyes.

2.) The SES attack can last anywhere from a day to five days periodically through out a day in the left or right eye.

3.) Unknown to most of public and professionals due to the fact that one person has it. Name not mentioned to protect the privacy of that person.
"My eyes are killing me. Everywhere I look I see many sharp angles. The edges of all objects bother me. God, Sharpy Eye Syndrome is a pain in the eyes.
by Atomicdollar November 4, 2008
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a tagger whose really good at well...tagging.
but only on paper, fabric, etc
and with sharpies.
i got a sharpie tagger to do my backpack so i can seem COOL!
by liljrocks March 31, 2007
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When you wipe your butt and there is still poop no matter how many times you wiped.
After last night I really got that never ending sharpie ass.
by Mdhall44 February 25, 2022
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While Having Anal Sex, Weather Gay Or Straight, You Pull Out And Write Your Name (with WHATEVER is currently residing on your the penis) Where Ever You Can On The Body Of The Person You Just Had Sex With. Without Them Knowing!
Yeah, he said, "that bitch walked around with my name smeared in shit for two days and never knew it after my San francisco Sharpie!
by Thrillbilly00 April 16, 2011
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Guy 1: You know the answer?
Guy 2: I dont know man. I got sharpies in my socks.
by samsonuwan May 11, 2021
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Can be used in any situation but mostly about people who are mad or look mad about something.
Scott- "Look at Mr. Sand he's acting like he has a sharpie in his ass or something."
by Jake196 May 24, 2011
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Damn son, your barber gave you the sharpy.

I got an haircut appointment at 8, about to get this sharpy.
by Youngin867 March 7, 2022
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