An attractive older woman who younger males find seductive. Similar to a 'cougar' but older or more attractive - to rise from the ashes.
She is one hot phoenix
by the lyrical genius May 12, 2010
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a girl that is very smart

but very competitive
likes guys named raymond and girls named bottle
"shes such a phoenix"
"ew! what a phoenix!"
by stephylikesgibb April 7, 2010
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Hey young blood doesn’t it feel like your time is running out I’m gonna change you like a remix then I’ll raise you like a phoeeeeeeenix
by kill me slowly October 20, 2019
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A once movie theater in Petaluma, California which is now inhabited by teenagers taking drugs and listening to crappy local bands on Fridays and Saturdays. it's basically the "cool thing" to do, but it's really retarded.
The movie "The Birds" premiered at this theater and someone let birds loose during the movie to scare the audience.
Ashley: "Hey, like, do you want to be super punk and hang out at the phoenix tonight?"
Barbie: "Oh my god. you're so right. we'll be totally punk!"
by Naleilei September 5, 2005
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Phoenix is really racist, he's super rude against girls and is a complete jerk! :(
He usually calls himself a slave and is disrespectful
Damn dude, you're really a Phoenix
Nah, that guy over there is!
by abi x July 9, 2018
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an arrogant person who thinks they are as rare as a the bird but not actualy as good or big as what they think they are.......
what a ficking phoenix! he talks so much crap but never gets anything sorted out!
by skelm May 11, 2005
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To do a Phoenix Wright is to turn something around; mainly in an argument.
Me: So, did you have a go at him for stealing your girlfriend?
Callum: Yeah, but he "Phoenix Wright"ed me, and now I'm the bad guy.

Me: I was getting whinged at by my parents the other day, but I did a Phoenix Wright. As a result, they apologised and gave me a tenner.
by Sublime With Alex August 15, 2014
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