Jeremiah E (or just Jeremiah) is........
-self absorbed, lacking humility
-probably intelligent or smart, into history.
-has absolutely horrible music taste
-can be funny, but he’s regularly obnoxious
-usually has brown hair, brown/hazel eyes
-usually is tall-ish and lanky
-his sport is swimming
Guy #1: yo, Jeremiah E bored the crap out of us yesterday
Guy #2: lmao sameeee
by Bananas_and_oranges June 10, 2020
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Just like the term "silly billy" except its longer to say and it does not rhyme. You can use this in most situations even if the person in question is right.
Dude 1: Is that a car
Dude 2: Nah dude its a tree stop being such dam retarded jeremiah!!!!

Dude1: Is that a tree?
Dude2: (even though it is a tree) Nah dude dont be such a dam retarded jeremiah!!!!
by Mooza September 1, 2005
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A JereMiah Carroll is a proper name for the Forever Alone Guy. It got started on a gay social network whereby an angry queen used a pseudonym to complain in an obscene manner on the Android Market. His primary complaint was that too many people sent him a friend request.
God Jim, don't be a JereMiah Carroll. Come to the movies with us!
by Trace VDK March 11, 2013
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A band teacher who is really laid back and chill. Every day his attitude will be slightly different (sometimes very different)! Gets annoyed at off-topic questions but quickly gets over these small things.
“Hey, is that Jeremiah Massey in front of the band room?”

“Yeah, why?”

“He’s the best teacher and he’s really chill. You should join band.”
by FloofyPotato April 12, 2018
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When a young male is swirling his tongue deep inside if an older mature woman's anus, then rams a Mountain Dew bottle into her vagina.
Yo! I gave my boo a Dirty Jeremiah last night, and she straight yelled out Do the Dew!!
by The Rev NG8 February 21, 2019
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