Its what you get when you still got that baby dick
Did you hear Peter has Miniature Tiny Small Dick Syndrome? Yeah hes like 0.5 Inches
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Naruto Dick Riding Syndrome is an affliction exclusive to characters in Masashi Kishimoto's popular manga, Naruto. After encountering Uzumaki Naruto in a battle and losing, Naruto spits an adorable line about peace, determination, and love. The victim then relinquishes all convictions and bends to the will of Uzumaki Naruto.

His allies are also afflicted by NDRS; Hinata nearly lost her life twice for him. NDRS, moreover, transcends the pages of the manga to forum users as well. Uchiha Sasuke is the only known person immune to NDRS.
Naruto: "I've defeated you Neji, now abandon your grudges because I'm a loser."

Neji: "But aren't you the son of the Fou....ahh, nevermind. Let's have a circle jerk. I got NDRS."

Reader 1: "Naruto's actions were just. He follows his emotions and will never break his promise"

Reader 2: "But it's just getting ridiculous at this point in the manga. You got Naruto Dick Riding Syndrome BAD!
by Dredan August 1, 2009
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Dicke Eating Syndrome A.K.A DES- When someone is such a little bitch or suck up that they just eat piles and piles of dick all day just to try to get anyone to like them
"Hey did you hear Skyler went up to the professor to rat out the gang"
"Yeah I heard that...what does she have DES or something"
"Yeah she eats a lot of dicks so she must have "dick eating syndrome - DES"
by MadDawg179 November 14, 2013
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(n) A mental disorder that causes you to count down to 1 from the last number you say in whole intervals. upon ending, you say, "Happy New Year".
A police officer pulls you over and asks how fast you were driving. you honestly say, 85, then without thinking and uncontrollably you being, 79...78....77....76...and so on. As you reach the last 10 your excitement picks up. Finally end with "Happy New Year". The officer will want to take you in for arrest, but you state your medical problem, "Dick Clark Syndrome (DCS)"
by Hoogs February 17, 2009
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A disease where you're heavily fixated on dick and balls. This fixation often results in stomach issues. With this syndrome, you can only see dick and balls as two separate entities, you can't comprehend the entire male anatomy collectively. This syndrome is all consuming. It makes focusing on other things difficult. Symptoms may vary, and some people might have heavier focus on dick, and others balls.

Can be shortened to DB Syndrome
Charlie's dick and balls syndrome has been really active recently. He opened his eyes after sleeping and in his left eye I saw the reflection of a dick, and in the right, balls.
by Tate Sample May 12, 2022
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Someone who is such a big fan of Andrew Tate or other "manosphere" influencers that they look at them like they're all-knowing gods or great philosophers.
That man over there has Andrew Tate Dick Breath Syndrome so bad that I can smell it from here and it's effecting his social life at work.
by Oxford editor March 19, 2023
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When your dick is in her/his ass and cant get it out of the anus
Help, I have dick in ass syndrome!
by John Smacio September 4, 2017
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