Chimps share 99% of our DNA. Big deal. Bananas share 98%. Enough DNA stats already.
Dude 1: Wow man did you know that chimpanzees and orang utans and shit share 99% of our DNA?
Dude 2: See that cucumber I just shoved up your ass?
Dude 1: Yup.
Dude 2: 97%.
by PearlFly January 28, 2013
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Closely related to DNA, but is in fact not an acid, but is pure genetic awesomeness.,
"I've got Deoxyribonucleic Awesome (DNA) rushing through my veins!"
by Entase April 21, 2010
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John to Jim: "Hey I got this girl who's ready to go. Do you have a DNA diaper I can use?"
by jogglers June 11, 2009
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First squirt to the D. Second squirt to the N. Last squirt to the A to complete the triage...
so I had this chick spread eagle on my bed the other day and what came to my head? All I was thinking was DNA triangle and a thought came to me playing in the hay. And what did I do next,I pulled the monkey out of the vortex. A couple of strokes and it went stroke one D stroke two N stroke three A! And it all comes back full triangle.
by jtb2the3,British colonist July 23, 2008
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In reference to someone with a wicked cold / cough / flu, telling them to stay at home with their own flem chunks
Dude1: (Cough, Hack), I don't feel so good!

Dude2: Dude, don't go to work, leave the DNA at home!
by jpkaty October 7, 2009
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Nerdy way of saying "cock".
I desire connecting my DNA transfer device to her roseaceous hirsute receptacle.
by pentozali July 8, 2012
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