Another way of tipping your waitress. Instead of giving her money you puke as an alternative payment.
Nico didn’t have any money so he gave the waitress a Belgium tip instead to show his appreciation of her service.
by AWO Course 2017 November 17, 2017
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During intercourse the man sucks the fart out of a woman’s ass and blows it out like a vape
by PapaTantan420 June 11, 2023
Your ass is so fat that you got to use panorama to get the whole thing in a photo
Andre: Yo Diara got that Belgium pancake!
Mike: Ya I know! She gotta use panorama to get a pic of it
Andre: Damn straight! I'd tear that shit up in a minute
by Flaming jay March 9, 2015
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When you smack a girl on the arse with a tennis racket while you are ejaculating
Give me a Belgium waffel tonight for supper and in the morning for breakfast
by Wayne Pearson July 24, 2017
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When you fuck someone in the arse and cum inside their asshole and wait until the cum bubbles out so you can eat it.
Oh my god dude, Stacy’s so fucking hot that I’d let her give me a Belgium bubbler.
by Skin daddy August 29, 2019
A phrase used when a method of murder is discussed that could be used for suicide that would cost less money than to move to a country where assisted suicide is legal - e.g Belgium. The country is interchangeable with any country in which assisted suicide is legal.
Well you could always overdose, that's cheaper than moving to Belgium.
by livingm3m3 January 27, 2023
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