Eating/drinking pineapple so u when she wants to commit cannibalism and swallow your babies it taste good
Bro I'm becomimg a "pineapple activist" for chloe
by _rroberttt April 21, 2017
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A great man, that knows how to treat a woman Properly, And Very active on the Social media. A man that won't take nonsense from anyother man that try's to Disrespect his name, a man that has a great vision in lif. That might end to be the President of Nigeria
by Isaacthegod September 30, 2017
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A Woodchipper Rights Activist is one who believes that all people deserve the right to leap headfirst into a woodchipper and if the "evil government" stops them from doing so, the fact they were stopped from leaping headfirst into a woodchipper is "the worst kind of tyranny". To make matters worse, the woodchipper rights activists are often taken to hospitals after their brushes with woodchippers, either due to injury or suspected mental health issues, which doubles up on the tyranny, and the encounter becomes the "WORST worst kind of tyranny" , doubling up on the worst's and capitalizing on them as well. Woodchipper rights activists can be seen about noon, rousing from sleep in their parents basement to declare literally everything thats ever been done is "the worst kind of tyranny"
"bruh, that woodchipper rights activist damn near died yesterday. He just tries to leap into the woodchipper to prove he has real freedom"
by Wypipo whisperer September 16, 2020
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An “activist” who’s only form of activism and gathering of information are through infographics that just often pop up in their feed or are shared by their friends. A performative activist, if you will.
A lot of infographic activists were sharing infographics of the “#letearthbreath” movement but stopped after only a week and never spoke of it again.
by Brob June 20, 2022
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some one who believes their away message can change the world (or the outcome of an election)
Tom: Did you see his away message? "If you vote for Obama, you'll go to hell."

Dick: What an away message activist.
by dsunavypa November 6, 2008
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A man or women who helps their friend get with somebody. This can either be a one night stand or a romantic relationship.
I walked into the room and my get back active activist was already talking to two women.
by Get back active activist October 25, 2023
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Noun: A leader of the viral video movement without morals dedicated in finding opportunity to bend laws and regulations and or obnoxiously harass law enforcement in hopes of a negative response to upload online.
Noun: The Civil Heist Activist told the CPS officer, "Tell deez foke online you ain't fittin to com in hur wit no warren, WHIRL STORE!!!"
by DrionBavid July 11, 2016
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