Said every fucking white girl in America who thinks she's cool, mystique, and spiritual because she knows about obsolete astrology concepts and just told you this because you did some minor stupid shit and Capricorn happens to be your sign. The application may vary depending on the victim's corresponding zodiac sign.
You, a Capricorn: "Hey guys I'll be right back, I gotta clean up some glass from a vase I knocked over."

That one fucking bitch at the party: "Oh my god, you are such a Capricorn"
by ThePopSmoke(whoisdead) January 19, 2021
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TB is short for Therapeutic Boundaries so “I love you with TB” means I love you with therapeutic boundaries.

This term is very good for people who are not in a relationship to express love and appreciation for each other while still understanding that there are mutual boundaries.

It can be used for any person and saying it to each person means something very different. Boundaries are commonly individualized for each relationship.
A: “I love you with TB. I just want you to know.”
B: “Awww thank you! I love you with TB too!”
by TreeFrog278 June 18, 2023
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A term used when you strongly agree with something that was just stated.
Dontrell: "Girl, that party was off the hook!

Shaniqua: "MmmHmm girl, WhenEVER you get through!!"
by meterman14 March 10, 2014
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