A: "If you bully me I will kick you where it hurts most."
B: "My bank accounts?"
A: "No, your generational deposit."
by IvanaBribe December 3, 2010
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A fictional company Wile e Coyote got Rocket Rollerblades from to finally catch the Roadrunner (NOT CANON) in that one ACME hour commercial.
by SonicTime23 May 31, 2023
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The current state of the post-modern, american mainstream "chart-topper" musical idolatry which has been propagated by such narcissistic egotistic and self proclaimed "greats" such as Kanye. This mentality had bled into casual lingo with kids and young adults saying non-literal grandiose phrases such as; "Im the greatest", "I'm literally a GOD", "GET AT ME SON", "Im legit the Michael Jordan of ______, seriously".

This is only a temporary phase of immaturity for most, and will be abandoned with age, and a normal personal growth into adulthood is expected.. for most.
Guy: Man.. the future of this Planet is doomed.. we are nothing more than The GOAT Generation... this is the antithesis of intellectual evolution
by TheNobleWolf July 8, 2017
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When a generation forget the art of trolling and will feed trolls in turn.
Guy 1: "Can you give an example of The Generational Cycle of Trolling?"
Guy 2: Sure. "

Millenials when young: "Hahaha imma troll these old people and they think that I'm serious. What retards!"

Millenials when older: "OMG what a retard is this, I'm going to DEBUNK him!"

by KennyOmg September 10, 2019
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A fictitious rank for someone who believes that they are a genius military leader (or at least more competent than their actual military leaders), due specifically to their lower-level military experience.

Typically found among former soldiers who end up in positions of authority, and believe that their being in the army once, and being from the rank and file and not an officer, makes them more qualified to make big decisions than actual officers, despite said officers potentially having made such big decisions for many years, but who were obviously out of touch because they'd started their careers as officers and had spent most of their time behind desks.

Similar to the armchair general, but with the caveat of even the tiniest amount of military service instantly making them more qualified than other armchair generals.
"And so Hitler the Corporal-General, remembering his time as a corporal in the trenches of the Western Front, declared that putting more resources into producing flamethrowers would win the war, much to the chagrin of his generals, who had instead been trying to get him to allocate more divisions to repel the allied invasion of Sicily."
by Dr Mg October 14, 2022
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Generational definition for people born after the year 2015, making reference to the influence third-party generated algorithms have in their lives and ultimately influencing their decision making and life decisions
“It would be wiser to direct the marketing and advertising for this game to Generation Algorithms living in a higher-income demographic with discretionary income than to the general user”
by Ldytdk October 31, 2020
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