The Streaming Generation has come of age in the era of music and movie streaming on apps such as Spotify and Pandora. This generation will have little to no memory of a time when CDs and DVDs were relevant media in their respective field. The time period covered by this generation is approximately 20005 to the present day, giving them a significant overlap with generation Z. Members of this generation are likely to prioritize efficiency in the way they consume music and video, however there have also been some backlash to this, which have led many of them to re-embrace older forms of these, particularly vinyl records.

Contrast with: ITunes generation, CD generation, Vinyl generation
The Streaming Generation have come to expect maximal efficiency in their music listening and film viewing experiences, at the expense of the personal quality of physical ownership, yet some are discovering ways to balance the old with the new, as evidenced by the resurgence of vinyl records in spite of the ubiquity of streaming services.
by Alex-2598 September 21, 2021
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A twisted wonderland of cursed content. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Gonna prank Galactic General when it becomes a healthy place.
by Elevenbowties December 5, 2021
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aka. P.M.G.; The generation within a particular family that is the most politically active
Brian and Jen’s kids are a lot more involved protests about racial equality, gender equality, LGBTQ equality and recognition, and climate change than their parents, grandparents, or their own children are. They also attend more political rallies, watch debates more often, and tend to vote more than their parents, grandparents, or their own children do. They are the politically active generation in the family.
by Vanguard 1998 March 29, 2021
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People (mainly Generation X that is) who grew up listening to Nirvana (the most famous grunge band in music history) during the 1990s.
I'm so glad I was part of the Nirvana generation because I saw Kurt live years ago and he really knew how to put on a show. R.I.P. Kurt.
by CelticEagle February 14, 2019
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The act of defecating in someone's air conditioning unit. When the weather gets hot and the A/C fan kicks on, the inside of the unit is spattered, while the building is fumigated with the stench of burning-hot summer shit.
To show my disapproval of little Johnny's kindergarten graduation, I gave the school a "Tornado Generator".
by Thradisar Starwise June 1, 2017
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