COVID-19 was a collusion of worldwide governments and plan of action to implant the citizens of the world with an identification mode.

The term, COVID-19, is actually a clandestine acronym initially coined by the W.H.O., which stands for "Covert Operation to Verify IDentification". The 19, is for the year they hatched the plan, 2019.

They plan was a moderate success, with nearly half of all citizens voluntarily opting for the inoculation of an unproven vaccine.

The reaction to the scare of the virus was a secondary study in human behavior to determine if the larger populus could pressure the non-conforming citizenry to comply through forced inequality favoring those who conformed. Those conformists include but is not limited to politicians, Hollywood elitists, and professional athletes.
Are you protected against COVID-19? If not, shame on you!
by SimonX February 28, 2023
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Just a shitty cold
Mexican: damn bruh I heard you got that COVID-19
Man Candy: nah bruh it’s just a shitty cold
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"and god said let there be...a terrible plague that would haunt the earth for a year or two".

even satin recoiled in disgust when he saw what god had in store for the sad mortals of earth, but there was to many humans on the face of the planet so god sent a virus that would kill the weak and feeble but let the strong live, but soon god got bored of watching people live their sad lives alone in their houses so he sent some other things starting with the small (a conflict between iran and the US that had a chance to start world war 3) and then going to the large (among us 2 being cancelled).

now god looks at the world as it falls apart,and I am here on my laptop writing a useless definition for a word that you just so happen to be reading.
covid 19 is god's way of telling us all that he is in control
by helloIexsist January 4, 2021
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The hours a business stayed open during the covid 19 pandemic.
Guy 1: I'm gonna run to the store for some beer. Guy 2: I'm not sure if they are open you better call first because they have new covid hours. Guy 1: Great idea. Thanks man.
by jimmybomm April 21, 2022
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A couple that started dating during covid
Wow, that couple is wearing masks, must be a covid couple!
by Mikey Butts April 13, 2021
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The newest addition to the list of dress codes for men and women during the time of Covid-19, where most people are working from home and conducting business on Zoom calls. Covid-Formal joins casual, semi-casual, business-casual, semi-formal, and formal in the dress code lexicon.

Covid-Formal consists of business-attire (button-down shirt/tie/jacket for men and button-down shirt or blouse for women) on the torso, and lounge-wear (pajama pants, gym shorts, etc.) on the bottom.
Drew joined in on his daily work Zoom call from home, but didn't have the webcam angled just right, revealing his Covid-Formal dress code of suit and tie with gym shorts, to all of his co-workers.
by JB9903 February 13, 2021
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An epic poem, waiting to be written.
Chronicling the transformations of the world, from its creation to its breakdown, due to the coronavirus and the self-deification a Julius Caesar wannabe, Covid's Metamorphoses will be read in the 22nd Century as a charming fable of humanity as it once was.
by Monkey's Dad October 7, 2020
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