Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality will have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.” - Karl Marx
Jimmy: I wish workers had some sort of control over their livelihood.
Remy: You should look into communism. Maybe read some Engels and Marx.
by marioxluigi April 10, 2021
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(separate from marxism or socialism) Communism is a political ideology that has the goal of establishing a communist society AKA a socioeconomic order structured upon common or social ownership of the means of production and not private ownership and can involve no social classes, money and or the state.
A: Communism is cool.
B: Get out of my sight!
by perfex duck June 12, 2022
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Far-left dictatorship that defends equal results, the end of social classes and property, the extermination of everyone (rich, middle class and poor) alike in misery and hunger, through torture, political persecution, punishment camps, wars and for who criticizes the government, causing 120 million deaths in total, 43 million in the Soviet Union (USSR) and 77 million in China.
I hate communism.
by Roscanbi March 22, 2023
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Extreme left dictatorship based on the totalitarianism of equal results that caused the extermination of the population with everyone equally in misery, the end of private property, the end of social classes, extermination through torture, extermination through forced labor, extermination through political persecution , extermination through punishment fields, extermination through wars, extermination of those who disagreed with the communist dictatorship, end of religions and authoritarian preaching of atheism; communism caused 120 million deaths in total; 43 million in the Soviet Union (USSR) and 77 million in China.
I am against communism.
by WWW9999 March 13, 2023
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Theoretically, the concept is good, but never works due to greedy humans.
Communism in theory is good, but although the notion that everyone is equal sounds good in terms of stopping poverty, too many people are greedy and hungry for money. Plus you're stripped of the freedom and right to express religious views and beliefs.
by Rotten Turkey July 1, 2021
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A shitty ideology that is mainly found in Asia, formerly in Europe and some in the Americas, most people that like communism are shitty nazi's that should commit unalive
Person 1: I heard he likes communism
Person 2: officer that's him
by ApollXYO April 21, 2022
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