everyday is national shut the fuck up day stop posting stupid fucking urban dictionary days on your story no one cares
tina"its national send nudes say"
bobby"its national shut the fuck up day" if you really want nudes ask for them you cum solbering suckubus
by Mememaser April 18, 2020
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any made up day in october is cancelled because its shut the fuck up snapchat month.
Sarah: "hey its grab ass mon-"
Lucy: "you got that from snapchat right?"
Sarah: "yeah"
Lucy: "well it doesn't count because its shut the fuck up snapchat month"
by imtiredofthisbsplease October 3, 2020
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a whole day where you don't talk about "Anti Fur Day" or whatever the fuck is going on anymore.
Person 1: "Oh crap! Tomorrow's Fur Day-"
Person 2: "and today is Shut The Fuck Up day! so keep it down with those holidays, will ya?!"
by NastyMoth December 19, 2020
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Shut The Fuck Up Day takes place on April 17 where everyone stops talking, and whoever talks is automatically a homosexual.
by TheEditorOfTheWorld April 16, 2021
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someone that can't just shut up that has a constant start arguments no god damn reason typically these kinds of people sending youtube shorts
just shut the fuck up why the hell are you always starring an argument for no goddamn reason and no don't give me no fuckin excuse It's common sense and then whenever we say you always start arguments you always have to defend yourself but look at that now you're the one arguing so how about we stop this entire goddamn thing cuz it's already retarded anyways
by July 18, 2023
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“shut the fucking shit up” is a phrase that basically means “shut the fuck up” (refer to shut the fuck up) but with more emphasis on the “fuck” part.

person 2: shut the fucking shit up

person 1: >:(
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An op word to tell another human being.Mostly known for making that person actually shut the fuck up.Also is very fun to say out loud.
kid:HHLUHU:FH:I :FHF:HF HF H: FH FH:UFH :UFHU: FH: A:FH !@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@#$%^&*(F FH KLFLHFA:HH:FJVBDAKADOMG I LOVE FORTNITE AHHAHAHAHDPHFUHUFFHUYF*(T&Y*QR&($))*$)&!*$7$*!*_!$**)$*$!)*_$*$_$**$__*$($(&_*&()_*&)*(_*&**

You:do me a favor and shut the fuck up
by what is the point of living if December 2, 2020
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