thatbrown shit
he took a poop
by hurricanediabetes December 18, 2017
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something said when one has nothing else to say.
Expressing anger or frustration
Oh Poop! The smell of burnt toast is slowly taking over my house!
by Magik Red Anus December 6, 2003
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smelly shit that comes out of anus
you smell like poop or did you poop on my rug?
by mc bob August 17, 2007
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Krusty Krabs motto: Spongebob
by Phonics July 13, 2009
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A random thing to say at a random moment.


A lumpy brownish object made by Bush.
"Hey, whats up?"

"Hows it going?"
by Tom Butzow March 20, 2007
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Used as a substitute for any overused and unnecessary curse words you don't want to say, but that will still express your consternation and/or exasperation at something that really bites.
Random person #1: Hey, let's go get some donuts at the corner market.
Random person #2: Can't, my car exploded last night.
Random person #1: Poop!
by dudette1 September 11, 2008
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