When you're beyond just being ugly and fat.
Jason has to sit down to pee because he can't reach his penis to hold it. Jason is just GROSS FAT!!!!
by Hair by Crayola September 14, 2023
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Those oddly intriguing things that smell bad and good at the same time, requiring multiple sniff tests.
Middle schooler:

I can't stop smelling this enigma of gross great. Is this what sex is like?
by Dante_ck September 2, 2016
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A raging alcoholic who has no filter what so ever
Hey did you see that guy did the Alex Gross last night
by Alex Gross September 21, 2021
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Cleaning large/important items but ignoring the finer details.

Our gross cleaning includes

- Removing dirty laundry from our floor.

- Doing our bed.

- Removing large garbage items like bottles, bags, wrapper or paper.

- Wiping our desk very quickly with windex (glass desk).

Ignoring the following (Fine Cleaning)

- Cleaning wires + rearranging cables.

- Cleaning electronics.

- Cleaning the sides of our desk.

- Washing the Floor.

- Using broom or vacuum.

- Washing windows.

- Any other long duration cleaning task.
Alex- I can't focus on my studying with this room so dirty.

Ramen- Maybe we should clean.

Alex- nah, 2 lazy for that.

Ramen- some gross cleaning maybe?

Alex- Okay, we should finish in about 5 minutes.
by iinventedthisword97 May 13, 2014
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A seemingly rich community from the outside, but once in there, you'll find a trailer park or two worth or trash. Not nearly as corrupted as everyone believes, there are just some who mess up and get attention. In all actuality, everyone else outside of Grosse Pointe is just a jealous bitch who wishes they could live here. Unfortunately for them, and thank god for us....they can't, because they couldn'y afford the rent on the shittiest place in town.
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A stupid kid , who is not only weird , but also not at all funny . He has very little good looks and he is most likely a ginger . He is extremely short and plays soccer . Soccer is the only thing a nick gross is good at . A nick gross fails at most everything else . He also can never make up his mind . That is why a nick gross would be a horrible boyfriend so you should try not to fall for one because it will just end in tragedy . the end .
me : are you dating a nick gross ?

skyler : yeah why ?

me : cuz thats a bad idea . no one should ever date a nick gross .

skyler : ohhh .
by peanutmonkeybutt889 January 7, 2012
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