This is guy version of the word bitch
Frank: John doesn't want to come out for drinks tonight, he says he is too hungover.
Jo: Why is he acting like such a botch! we all drank the same amount!
by Jaymal Soni August 13, 2015
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Not the butt not the crotch. It’s the botch.

See: movie “Trainwreck
You kicked me in the botch!
by iamtheeking February 17, 2019
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(Adj.) A term used to describe a trashy female who isn't worth the time to fix the autocorrect to "bitch" for
Bernie: Yo this botch had the nerve to not swallow me.
Donald: You mean a bitch?
Bernie: Yeah but I don't give enough of a fuck about her to spend the time fixing the autocorrect.
by BOOBYBOUNCER December 24, 2015
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hey look there comes the botch!”
by peepeesir69 June 4, 2020
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oh look there comes the botch!”
by peepeesir69 June 4, 2020
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A botch is a bitch who can't spell bitch
"send bob and vagana"
"stoopid botch"
by India destroyer 5000 November 26, 2018
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