4 definitions by BOOBYBOUNCER

A female (or male) who isn't cute enough to be seen in public with, but isn't ugly enough to the point that you wouldn't fuck.
WARNING: "Cute-Ugly" is completely subjective. One person's perception of a "cute ugly" girl (or guy) is not the same as another person's. That's the beauty of it.
Harry: Dude check out that girl

Vagine: You think she's cute?
Harry: Nah she ain't cute, but she ain't disgusting. I'd hit.
Vagine: Yeah she's definitely "Cute-Ugly".
by BOOBYBOUNCER July 18, 2015
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If a man has an erection and he's about to go somewhere where the erection would be inappropriate, he will masturbate to get rid of the erection before he leaves.
Tom: Damn, that girl's hot
Mark: Hell yeah she is
Tom: Man she makes me hard, how are you not?
Mark: I waste bated before I left home so my mom wouldn't see my boner.
by BOOBYBOUNCER May 14, 2011
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(Adj.) A term used to describe a trashy female who isn't worth the time to fix the autocorrect to "bitch" for
Bernie: Yo this botch had the nerve to not swallow me.
Donald: You mean a bitch?
Bernie: Yeah but I don't give enough of a fuck about her to spend the time fixing the autocorrect.
by BOOBYBOUNCER December 24, 2015
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(N.) The word for any "emotional" song by Canadian recording artist Drake.
Lamarcus: Yo DJ, give us a light drizzle!

*Marvin's Room immediately starts playing*
by BOOBYBOUNCER January 3, 2016
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